What Is Trypophobia and Why Should You Care About It

Trypophobia, sometimes misspelled as “tripophobia” is also known as the hole phobia or holes phobia as you may want it. Whichever you call it, it is the irrational fear of clustered holes. It is discovered now however that it is not necessarily holes alone but most features that are clustered together and have irregular patterns as well all cause this phobia.

To get a full detailed explanation of the causes, symptoms and how to cure the fear of irregular patterns (holes), click HERE and view the full article.

Types Of Trypophobia

In this article, I’ll be categorizing the fear of holes into 2 types based on the recent discovery that it is triggered in many individuals by a different type of images. The 2 main types are:

i. Holes in skin/Trypophobia skin disease

ii. Holes in plants and insects or non-skin holes

Yes! Different people have fear of holes by different causes. I noticed personally that I get irritated with holes in the skin rather than the holes in plants and insects while other people say otherwise. Then there are people who actually have trypophobia of anything so long as it is having features such as the said clustered holes.

Below is a brief explanation of the two types of types of this phobia talked about earlier;

There’s a Fear of mobile devices? Do you know you’re most likely to have it too?

Trypophobia Skin Disease

Holes in the skin are usually pictures of infected skin people call trypophobia skin disease. Trypophobia skin disease appears as holes in the skin and these skin holes, however, are nearly all fake, if not all. These skin holes created by photo editors are meant to irritate you and I at the moment of writing this have trypophobia of skin holes cause of the mixture of the disgusting sight of tiny holes probably filled with infections and blood all over.

Medical personnel are not so likely to have the fear of holes, I don’t think I need to explain why but as for people like me, I hate seeing blood or open wounds in the first place, now adding clustered holes or patches of dark spots nearly just kills me. Knowing these skin holes are fake may also constitute to curing trypophobia ut have you ever been in a dream, knowing fully well its a dream but that monster chasing you still makes you run. I hope you get my point.

Trypophobia Images

Below are the awful trypophobic images I’ve been able to compile with my eyes closed, ok no, my eyes were open, therapy is actually working, how I’m putting my trpophobia under control is given right below, stay tuned.
Give your honest description as to how you feel after viewing the following trypophobic images

Trypophobia in plants and insects

Unlike that of the skin disease, trypophobia here are the more natural types which include the fear of lotus holes and other types of holes developed on plants and insects and even some amphibians just working their normal day to day activities minding their own business while you sit there being irritated at their beauty, ok just kidding.

Below are some pictures of non-skin pictures of trypophobia

Lotus holes are the leading causes of trypophobia in plants.
The honeycomb is, in turn, the leading naturally occurring type of fear of clustred holes caused by insects.

Other examples include the toad belky full of eggs and some others such as the following images



So, would you say you are trypophobic to the skin disease or the non skin holes or are you even trypophobic at all? Or was it both, please let me know in the comments sections, your comments are much appropriated, thank you.

How To Cure The fear Of Holes Phobia

Trypophobia like some other phobias is actually really easy to cure – take it from an ex trypophobic patient (me! well not complete yet as at this time). Check out some ways on how to overcome phobia including trypophobia and other types of phobia on your own and be a free man or woman like me! I specially compiled a list of useful safe ways to overcome phobia of any sort at the comfort of your home given it works for you, thank me later!

So, which type of trypophobia do you have let me know in the comments below thanks!

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