Thanatophobia : The Fear of Death Phobia

The fear of death also known as thantophobia or dying phobia is the irrational fear of dying. Of course, while its absolutely normal to be scared of death or dying since everyone will die at some point in time, people with this type of anxiety disorder or  phobia take the fear in a whole different scale especially when they meet themselves in an event pertaining to life and death.It is one of the most common phobia fear in the world


Causes of Thanatophobia

The fear of death or dying can arise due to many reasons. The more common causes of thanatophobia include;

  • Traumatic experience in the past by being involved or witnessing a life and death situation or perhaps seeing someone die. This by far is the leading cause of this fear and the associated panic attack that comes with it.
  • The fact that everybody will die at some point in time.
  • Thanatophobia may also arise because the individual has no clue as to what will happen after death.
  • Religious beliefs and the fear of landing in hell.
  • Fear of what will become of the people he leaves behind after dying especially the family.

It is also referred to as thanatophobia (fear of death), and is distinguished from necrophobia, which is a specific fear of dead or dying persons and/or things (i.e. others who are dead or dying, not one’s own death or dying).

Symptoms of Thanatophobia

The Symptoms of the fear of death or dying vary according to individual and severity of the phobia to the individual. In severe cases, the person might refuse to go outdoors and feel uneasy at the mere thought of death or dying.
General symptoms of thanato phobia however include;

  • Vigilance while walking as if they were gonna be attacked from behind in an excessive manner.
  • It may also cause the individual to tremble, sweet excessively or even start to stammer when exposed to the slightest dangers such as getting cut by a knife in the kitchen
  • Panic attacks or continuous uncontrollable thought about death
  • Mixed emotions towards others
  • People suffering from this death phobia may also experience frequent loss of concentration and desire to flee from current situations

These are but a few symptoms of thanatophobia there are. A few variations may be made by each individual.

Overcoming the Fear of  Death

Before treating the death anxieties associated with this particular phobia, one must be certain the patient is really suffering from thanato phobia as a depression, mental health disorder , bipolar disorders and others often display similar symptoms with this fear.

Thanatophopia or the fear of death of death or dying
Thanatophobia finally best accessed and confirmed by the person himself. If his fears are based on extreme thought of death, then yes he’s probably suffering from it.
After confirmation, the doctor might refer the patient to a mental health professional where proper steps be taken to suppress thanatophobia or to get a medical advice on how to cope with this kind of phobia.

Procedures such as cognitive behavioral therapy, self help techniques, talk therapy, hypnotherapy, religious counseling and many more at a few methods used to get rid of this type of anxiety disorder.

So if after this you think you’re having thanatophobia or similar death anxieties, fear not,help is around the corner go see a doctor today for proper medical advice or religious counselling  and stay safe!

Guest Post by: Olayiwola Ibrahim from PhobiaPro. Trypophobia – the Fear of Holes

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