5 Ways to Increase your Email Conversion and Open Rate


Sending emails to your customers is an excellent way to market your products or services without having to spend a lot of money. Despite the fact that it is highly cost effective, most business owners find it very hard to fully maximize the potential of their email list and as such, we at CKDigital decided to create this post on how you can increase your email conversion rate.

  1. Content building


The first step to get your email opened is to build its contents with clear and unambiguous words which will be relevant to a targeted audience.


Words go a long way in communication which is why you have to be brief because you would not want to bore the reader and at the same time convey the main purpose of the mail within this brevity context.


Of course you should start your mail with a courteous greeting such as hello or dear which means you are adding personal touch to your email to avoid being too blunt.


You have to make your mails appealing as possible to the reader by using the appropriate grammars, fonts and colors.


You should also try as much as possible to avoid loading the emails with a lot of images and also make sure you do not abbreviate.


The more targeted your email campaign is the more content you will need, you have to provide an offer that is related to the initial request which means offer them content that goes in  line with their intents and needs.


  1. Test and track your mails


This means you send the proposed mail to some selected people first to see how it would look like or to get a feedback from them to know if you will need to change one or few things before sending it to the designated people.


Do not limit your testing to subject lines, use testing of various elements to standardize performance. You can try out your emails in different designs and content. Emails can be read and opened clearly on a mobile device as a traditional computer screen but a lot of emails are not ideal for mobile devices which make them being ignored or deleted.


You should probably send your mails in plain texts to make them ideal for mobile devices.

You need to track the deliverability of the mail, the open rate and the conversion rate to confirm if you are making progress or not.



The higher the conversion rate, the more significant and compelling the offer was to your targeted audiences. You can track by creating unique tracking urls for your email links.

Note that the interests, wants and needs of the targeted audience are essential, the emails you send should be about them and not you.


  1. Timing


When sending an email the timing is very important, timing is everything. The time of the day and what day of the week you send your emails will determine how well the content is received.


Sending your mails at business hours is not a good idea because most people will be at work or busy going from one place to another.



Rather you should send your mails at night, reports show that the best open rates for mails are at night especially on Tuesdays and Thursdays.


You should also send your emails on weekends, people tend to be less engaged with work and more relaxed on weekends which means they will have the time to read your mails.


However, the timing of your emails depends on the uniqueness of your products or services, customer base and content.


  1. Integrate with social media


The integration of social media with email marketing spreads your contents across various social media platforms. You can encourage your social media followers to subscribe for your mails and in turn promote your brands’ social media profiles in your mails.



This enhances the subscribers value by keeping them connected to your brand. You should use social media to gain a large number of targeted audiences who are searching for interesting stuffs and ideas by inviting them and from there use emails to communicate with individuals who have opted in and are interested in what you do.



Everyone likes doing things that they will gain from; you can urge your subscribers to get their friends or networks to follow you in exchange for discounts on purchases they make or freebies. It might not have to be a financial incentive, you can get them featured on your next email correspondence which means you are giving them a basis to connect and share.



You have the option of including an email sign up form on Facebook, you should use this benefit to ask your Facebook fans to subscribe to your email list.


  1. Send more frequent emails


Most people send emails to their subscribers occasionally based on the assumption that they do not want to disturb their subscribers. I think if you send emails occasionally like once in a month or two months there is a high chance that most of the subscribers would not remember you.


A rule in marketing says that an average customer needs to see your offer for at least seven times before he or she becomes aware of it. However, this does not mean you should send too many mails but once in every two weeks should do.


Sending too many mails to your subscribers will only make them want to unsubscribe especially when some are irrelevant but if this is done properly your revenue and traffic will increase. You should increase the frequency of your mails for customers who respond slowly or do not respond at all.

Getting started with email marketing might seem challenging because it takes time but at the end the stress is worth it because the payoff comes on time.

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